Our Team
Team Members
Message From The Co-founders of CEBUNA
Jean Baptiste Nkurunziza, Yves IRAKOZE and three other Co-founders once in NAKIVALE REFUGEE SETTLEMENT in 2015 found that life was very tough and hard within refugees in general and within youth in particular especially for new arrivals coming from BURUNDI and other French speaking countries. What they noticed was that due to the fact that most of refugees fled their countries of origin having jobs and some others fled them having interrupted their studies, this led them to despair and the fear of the future. Believing that refugees are free to work and improve their lifestyle including their surroundings , Knowing that community services is one of the best ways to improve lives and that helping others boosts self-esteem, they decided to sit as a team of five people with the same Vision and Mission in order to look ways forwards to this situation by creating COMMUNAUTE ESTUDIANTINE BURUNDAISE DE NAKIVALE (CEBUNA) whose first mission was to plead for scholarships for those who interrupted studies and train others in English language for their integration in the host country (UGANDA). Our dedication to refugee empowerment is strongly inspired by the immense possibilities that are open to them if they receive the right support. What refugees need is the support which can keep them busy with different trainings enabling them to be self reliant and thrive in the host country (UGANDA) instead of depending on Humanitarian aids from NGOs operating in the settlement. Through our aforesaid four programmes, we are determined to develop their talents and help them to identify non identified opportunities, to support them and contribute in sustainable development within Nakivale settlement.
Our Advisory Board
Antoine was born in France and went to business school there. He worked in the corporate world both in Europe and Asia, mostly in international marketing.
While in vacation with his family in Uganda, Antoine met Noerine Kaleeba, the founder of the The AIDS Support Organization (TASO). Her story inspired him to get involved in the non-profit world and he
co-founded a non-profit organization called Komo Learning Centres, which provides community-based educational opportunities for vulnerable and disadvantaged children in Uganda.
Eu iusto dolorum pro, facer oportere duo ne.
Emma is a holder of a graduate diploma in management studies issued by the Institute of Commercial Management, Dorset in the UK. She has extensive experience in project management, governance and policy development gained from working in the UK National Health Service (NHS) over the past 13 years. She currently works for NHS England and NHS Improvement within Strategic Finance as policy lead for innovation, with specific responsibilities for developing payment policies that support adoption and spread of innovation across healthcare systems in England.
MIBURO CELESTIN was born in Burundi.
He studied in the INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE GESTION ET DU MANAGEMENT (ISGM), faculty of community and rural development.
He is skilled in capacity building and committed to assist non-profit organizations in terms of administrative and financial management