Who We Are


Engaged For Success


Create a foundation of hope and resilience for refugees and communities through education and livelihood to promote self-reliance.


Refugees and Host communities coexist socially and thrive economically together


If you didn’t know, here is a bit about us.

CEBUNA is a non-profit making  and non political organization registered in isingiro district on number 088 as a Community Based Organisation (CBO). It was founded in January 2016 within Nakivale Refugee Settlement.

We have been operating throughout Nakivale Refugee Settlement since 2016, a settlement that shelters refugees from nine countries. We are involved in Education and Youth & Adolescent 

(empowering youth through training, pleading scholarships on behalf of youth, childcare program, culture tolerance within communities, and community sensitization. We have trained 672 young refugees in different domains, pleaded, and successfully got three University scholarships for young refugees and five secondary scholarships. In our program of childcare, we have helped 432 children in four promotions.


Received donations from our loving people. We highly appreciate your support.

Your continous support has made it possible for us to run multiple projects in the refugee camp


With our volunteers, we’ve efficiently over come haddles in our fiight for equal opportunities.


Our core team works day and night to ensure that all program activities progress smoothly.

Copyright |CEBUNA| 2024

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